Play with LWC recipes from Sample Gallery Using LWC

Play with LWC recipes from Sample Gallery Using LWC

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Play with LWC recipes from Sample Gallery Using LWC (Lightning Web Components)


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Welcome back, Today we discuss Sample Gallery and how can we use sample gallery apps into our salesforce org

Play with LWC recipes from Sample Gallery Using LWC

To start playing with LWC recipes you need to have some Prerequisites Check Here

1. open your VS code and Paste below the line of code in the terminal get LWC recipes from GitHub repo

git clone

2. Click on enter it will download all LWC recipes folder in your local machine.

3. Click on File  Open folder  LWC Recipes and click on a select folder

4.Navigate into the LWC recipes folder with

5.Authorize your dev hub
sfdx force:auth:web:login -s -a Lwc-recipes
6.Login to dev org

7.It will open your default org and login into your salesforce org, Then your authentication has completed successfully.

8.Assign Permission Sets to default users

sfdx force:user:permset:assign -n recipes

9.Load Sample data into an app
sfdx force:data:tree:import –plan ./data/data-plan.json
10. Expand force-app  Main and right click and Navigate to SFDX: Deploy to Source org.
11. Your deployment is done successfully.
12. Open your salesforce org and Click on the App Launcher icon you able to find the LWC application and check with it check here for an application overview
13.Hurry !!!! Your LWC recipes is ready to use.

Now Play with LWC recipes from Sample Gallery Using LWC we have installed an application in salesforce org


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